Strong civil society recommendation on Goal 3: Attain healthy lives for all at all ages

Non-governmental organziations working on health issues from a variety of different perspectives have come together to make a strong statement on Goal 3: Attain healthy lives for all at all ages. It includes recommendations on such important areas as communicable and non-communicable diseases, universal health coverage and anti-microbial resistance. In addition it strongly supports a strong statement for a separate target (3.1 bis) under goal 3:
“By 2030, achieve sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, including quality, integrated universal access to sexual and reproductive health information, education, services and commodities, with particular attention to adolescents and youth.”
The Group also supports the inclusion of a target on sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, especially women and girls, under goal 5.
If your organization would like to sign on to support the recommendations on health, please send an email to this effect to this address: