PMHCH 2014 Partners’ Forum begins in Johannesburg, South Africa:

Now it is in our hands
The 2014 Partners’ Forum for the Partnership on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) opened today in Johannesburg, with delegates gathered to consider all that still needs to be done in the next 500 days for women’s and children’s health.
Following video messages from former US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton and Ban Ki Moon, United Nations Secretary-General, Mrs Graça Machel, PMNCH Chair and African Ambassador for A Promised Renewed, opened the Forum saying “we come with a united message that the needless deaths of women, newborns and children must stop“. She spoke of the importance of using this moment to draw on the lessons learned from the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to date and in looking forward to the next 500 days ahead. She remarked that contributions from unique partnerships such as PMNCH as well as individual contribution and accountability are vital and urged participants to create a social pact to save every single life possible in every single country. “We must do more and we must do better”, she said, “we must push and push then push some more, we have 500 days, every day accounts, every action counts and every life counts”.
Mrs Machel introduced two new key reports that will be launched at the Forum: The Countdown to 2015: 2014 Report; and The Every Newborn Action Plan, a landmark report on ending preventable newborn deaths.
Participants also heard remarks from Cyril Ramaphosa, Deputy Vice President, South Africa who joined Mrs Machel in reflecting on former President Nelson Mandela’s legacy and dedication to improving the lives of women and children. Mr Ramaphosa highlighted the work that still needs to be done to save lives telling participants, “Our efforts have meaning only if those who are born today can enjoy them”.
For further information on the Forum which is co-hosted by the Government of South Africa, PMNCH, Countdown to 2015, A Promise Renewed, and the independent Expert Review Group, see