Summary of 12th Session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-12) as it relates to sexual and reproductive health and rights

Informal consultations: The 12th session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-12) was preceded by “informal-informal” consultations on 9-11 June 2014, at UN Headquarters in New York, as previously announced by the Co-Chairs. They focused on options for merging goal areas; views on the 17 goal headings contained in the zero draft; and the targets proposed under goal areas 1-6.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights were discussed under Proposed Goal 3: Attain healthy life for all at all ages as part of health in general and under Goal 5: Attain gender equality, empower women and girls everywhere under gender equality and the empowerment of women.
The discussions under Goal 3 included reference to preventive health coverage and indigenous healthcare practices, as well as better integrating the means of implementation (MOI) targets, contained in Goal 17. There was also concern as to whether some of the targets are achievable and whether some might be better included as indicators. In addition there were calls to merge 3.6 on universal health coverage with 3.7 on universal access to medicines, etc. No consensus was reached on target 3.8 on universal access to sexual and reproductive health, although many supported the inclusion of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
On Proposed Goal 5: Attain gender equality, empower women and girls everywhere, there were calls to make the MOI more explicit and sensitive to national legislation. There were also calls for merging targets 5.1 (end discrimination) and 5.2 (eliminate violence), 5.3 (end all harmful practices, including forced marriage and female genital mutilation), and 5.11 (role of men and boys). Some suggested moving 5.4 (access to education) to Goal 4. Others called for moving 5.5 (access to employment) to either Goal 1 or Goal 8. There was no consensus on target 5.9 on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, although again many countries supported its inclusion under this goal as well as under goal 3
On Proposed Goal 4: Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and life-long learning opportunities for all, there were calls to merge targets 4.1 and 4.3, which both address access to education; and 4.2 and 4.5, which address tertiary education and the skills needed for employment, respectively. Some thought 4.4 (universal youth literacy and numeracy), 4.7 (education for sustainable development), 4.8 (learning environments) and 4.9 (quality of teaching) should be indicators rather than targets. A number of countries also called for the inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education and also human rights education under curricula 4.7.
Open Working Group Session 12: Co-Chair Kamau opened OWG-12 on Monday 14 June and introduced the “zero draft” of the goals and targets on sustainable development of the post-2015 development agenda, saying that getting the right balance was not easy. He reported on the “informal informals” and reminded delegates that the goals are targets global and will guide both global actions and national efforts. Noting that there are ten formal working days remaining “until the end of this journey,” he pleaded with delegates that the time for long statements was over, and stressed the need for focused attention on goals and targets so “we can sharpen this document into something we can all be proud of.”
Following statements from members of the OWG, including by Ministers of Germany, also on behalf of Switzerland and France, and of Belarus, Ambassador Kamau proposed that the OWG adjourn its formal session and reconvene in an informal session to consider the goals and targets one by one, beginning with Goal 7, since the previous week’s “informal-informals” had discussed Goals 1-7 but had not finished 7. A number of delegations, including Argentina, Barbados (for CARICOM), Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ireland, Palau, Peru (also on behalf of Mexico), Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Turkey (also on behalf of Spain and Italy), and Viet Nam (also on behalf of Bhutan and Thailand), supported the Co-Chairs’ proposal. Others requested time for general statements, for discussion on the chapeau and for additional input from capitals on Goals 1-7. They were encouraged to send comments in writing. Germany, Ireland and Sweden indicated that civil society should be able to participate., to which Co-Chair Kamau said the Co-Chairs would continue to meet with civil society each morning at 09:00. Co-Chair Kamau concluded that the consensus was to move into informals.
Informal discussions on the zero draft: The OWG then went into informal discussions during which Goals 7 – 17 were considered. For full report see
Proposed consolidation of Goals: During the informals the Co-Chairs circulated an unofficial list of 15 SDGs, which they said reflected the discussions held during consultations prior to OWG-12. Delegations offered their preliminary comments, with a few agreeing to the need for fewer goals and others expressing different views. For list of consolidated goals visit the aforementioned link (