Cross regional statement for annual full-day discussion on women’s rights during the 26th Human Rights Council

This statement was delivered by the Netherlands on behalf of Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Slovenia, Iceland, Italy, Finland, France, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Uruguay at the annual full-day discussion on women’s rights during the 26th Human Rights Council:
Gender equality and the empowerment of women, including access to sexual and reproductive health were recognized as cornerstones of population and development 20 years ago. We need to continue building on the ICPD Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform for Action as well as related agreements.
Sexual and reproductive health problems represent one third of the total global burden of disease for women between the ages of 15 and 44 years, and violence against women and girls remain the most frequent human rights abuse worldwide.
Full enjoyment of reproductive rights remains but an aspiration for millions of women and girls.
Each day, around 800 women die giving life.
1 in 3 girls in developing countries is married before the age of 18, leading to pregnancy too soon, closing the door to education and other opportunities.
Many adolescents and young people lack access to comprehensive sexuality education and sometimes are not allowed to access health care services freely, without the consent of their husbands and or their parents. Discriminatory laws, practices and attitudes continue to keep young people from accessing sexual and reproductive health services.
Moving the SRHR agenda beyond 2015 would need to address inequalities, particularly gender inequality; the respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights; strengthened accountability and universal access and quality of care in relation to sexual and reproductive health. The goals of a post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda must include the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents, contraception information and services, sexually transmitted infections, violence against women and girls and prevention of unsafe abortion.
I thank you.
The long version of statement is also available.