Partnerships with Civil Society – join the e-Discussion

One of the topics subject under discussion during the second meeting of the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Means of Implementation for Sustainable Development will be:
"What can trigger new partnerships and voluntary commitments, and what can make them successful in advancing economic, social and environmental progress?"
You are invited to make inputs on this question via an e-Discussion on "Partnerships with Civil Society".
All inputs received by 20 June will be synthesized by the UN Non-Governments Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) and delivered to Member States at the HLPF meeting.
Additional e-Discussion questions are aimed to identify good practices and concrete recommendations for successful government/civil society partnerships. Responses will feed into a UNDG global report as well as the Secretary-General’s synthesis report of recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda, expected in November.
This e-Discussion is co-led by UN-NGLS, UN Volunteers, UN Population Fund (UNFPA), and UN Millennium Campaign.