World Health Assembly resolution on “Health in the post-2015 development agenda”

The 67th World Assembly had before it in its final plenary a resolution on “Health in the post-2015 development agenda” (A67/A/CONF/4 Rev.2) While the previous version included a reference to sexual and reproductive health in its preambular paragraphs, it now refers only to ICPD and Beijing and their review conferences.
The resolution, as revised, urges Members States in operative paragraph 1(3):
“to ensure that the post-2015 development agenda will accelerate and sustain progress towards the achievement of health-related MDGs including, child, maternal, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, HIV, tuberculosis and malaria;”
The resolution calls on Member States to engage actively in discussions on the post-2015 development agenda, respecting the process established by the UN General Assembly and to ensure that health is central to it. It also requests the Director-General to continue to engage actively in the process and to provide information and support to Member States upon request on issues related to the processes.