Sexual and reproductive health and rights as included in Focal area 3 Health and Population Dynamics and Focal area 4 Education and Life Long Learning

Sexual and reproductive health and rights were discussed in the 11th session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (OWG-11) under focus areas (FA) 3 on Health and Population Dynamics, particularly target F and FA 4 on Education and Life Long Learning and also under FA 5 on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.
Under FA3 several delegates suggested that FA3 target A be separated into two targets one on maternal mortality and one on newborn and child mortality. They also referred to Population Dynamics, particularly with regard to migration.
Attached is a summary of positions of countries on sexual and reproductive health and rights on FA3, particularly under target F, and also to comprehensive sexuality education. A full summary of the whole session of OWG-11 is available for download. The Working Document is available on the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform website.