
CPD47: day 2 and the second reading of the draft resolution

We have received the following from the International Planned Parenthood Federation: 

Day two of CPD and day one of negotiations drew to a close with a number of patterns emerging. The first half of the morning was dominated by calls from Nigeria, Egypt, Cameroon and Pakistan to revert to a procedural document that would describe the ICPD operational review process, but contain little content in terms of SRHR priorities. 

The afternoon took a more positive turn. More countries made more positive interventions, making the overall voice for sexual and reproductive health and rights stronger and more diverse. The Pacific Islands, Nepal, Ghana and Zambia made strong statements in support of strong language in the text. The Philippines proposed language on offending violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and was supported by Nepal, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, PNG and other countries.

Iran and Egypt continue to block the agenda and are mobilizing to try to turn the clock back on the ICPD by calling for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as in the ICPD Programme of Action. They are trying to keep us in a 1994 time warp, instead of recognizing subsequent gains on language made at previous sess ions of the Commissions on Population Development and Status of Women.

Fiji, Vanuatu, Tuvalu and the Cook Islands reiterated the results of the 6th Asia Pacific Conference and made a joint proposal for language in support of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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