CSO participation in the UNGASS

The following information has been received from Noemi Espinoza, Civil Society Partnerships, ICPD Beyond 2014, UNFPA:
In preparation for the special session of the General Assembly on the follow-up to the PoA of the ICPD, to be held on 22 September 2014 in New York, UNFPA is compiling a list of non-ECOSOC accredited civil society organizations (CSOs) that wish to participate.
In accordance with paragraph 4(d) of General Assembly resolution A/67/250, the President of the General Assembly will draw up a list of non-ECOSOC accredited CSOs that may participate in the special session. This list will then be submitted for approval on a non-objection basis to Member States.
Organizations wishing to participate should complete, as soon as possible, the google document at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhMTFbv9jMJFdG45RTJ2cEJ5bE4zUXI0UVh0ekJQaXc&usp=sharing
Completing this form does not guarantee that a CSO will be accepted by Member States to participate. Funding is also not guaranteed for those that are selected.
ECOSOC accredited NGOs will be able to register when the President makes an announcement on his website.

Please note: the document will be closed on Sunday 4 May, 2014.