
Youth perspectives on CPD47

We have received the following from the International Planned Parenthood Federation: 

Young people have been active in the  47th Session of the Comission on Population and Development [CPD] in New York City all week. These are some of their perspectives on youth participation in this important event by members of YSAFE— Cecilie, Umid and Juraj:

Different world regions face different problems, but there is common ground for all the young people taking part in the 47th session of CPD. That common ground is found when it comes to  meaningful youth participation, SRHR and human rights for everyone. 

These rights include the right to make informed decisions and the right to be free from any form of violence. Violence often occurs on the basis of lack of information so it is vital to provide as much evidence-based information as possible through comprehensive sexuality education (CSE),  and CSE is one main asks on the “wish-list” of young people here in New York. If established appropriately, CSE will provide age-appropriate evidence-based information for young people that will allow individuals to make decisions about their sexuality and rights and respects those of other people.

A question that could be asked is: ‘Why did we, young people, come here?‘ The answer is quite simple: We want to see a change in the world. A change that will be based on the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action decided at Cairo summit 20 years ago as well as on the current needs of young people around the globe. Governments should develop policies and measures that will ensure the changes we are striving for are implemented, and also that the voice of young people is taken into account. 

For instance, we require our voices to be heard when it comes the matter of abortion. We believe that girls and women, just like everyone else, have the right to make decisions concerning their own bodies. In case of an unintended pregnancy, comprehensive safe and legal abortion should be available for all young women and girls, free of charge and with no judgement. This is in order to prevent health problems, girls dropping out of school and the inability to provide the child with appropriate care, which could have devastating consequences on their future lives. These facts must not be disregarded! Furthermore, we, young people, recognize that we are diverse and therefore must be recognized in all our diversity, including youth who are of different sexual orientation, gender identity/expressions (SOGIE), disabled, living with HIV/AIDS, migrants and many others. 

We hope that our diversity can be embraced rather than condemned. In that spirit, we ask for the same human rights for every human being! 

By the end of this week, we hope that delegations of the 47th CPD will have realized that the matters in question affect everyone, including young people and other vulnerable groups, and where inequality and rights violations exit, there cannot be sustainable development.

The world fought slavery, colonialism, racism and even apartheid. Now we need to be ready to fight other forms of inequality too. We have a new strong generation of young people who are ready to take action and fight for the world we want, if we are given the chance. Let us make it happen!

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