Progress report of the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals

The Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group (OWG) of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals have completed their summary report on the work of the Group during its ‘stock-taking phase’. This document will serve as a basis for its work going forward. They will, however, also provide a further document that will act as a framework for the beginning of the negotiating phase.
It is important to review this summary of the work of the Group to date in working to ensure the inclusion of issues of major interest. Some CSOs have already expressed concern at the lack of inclusion of references to gender equality and women’s empowerment, although it does refer to the support of a stand-alone goal on gender equality. Others are concerned at the limitations included on sexual and reproductive health and rights. It is, however, included.
Now is the time to review the document in order to decide strategies for the inclusion of key issues in the final document with the suggested goals and targets that the OWG is mandated to submit to the General Assembly in September. It is important to do this in the context of the whole summary, as this will contribute to the general framework. To assist you in this regard we are attaching the full document (with all the 205 paragraphs) and also a shortened version which gives paragraph numbers at the end of each section.