Full participation of civil society in post-2015 development agenda process

The Coordinating Committee of the Civil Society Platform to Promote Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Beyond 2015, which brings together some 2000 organizations, has written to the Co-facilitators for the post-2015 development agenda process, requesting their strong support to ensure that the same access will be given to Major Groups and NGOs to the preparatory meetings as for UN Special Sessions. Precedents for such access have been set in the case of the UN Special Sessions for Agenda 21 (A/RES/51/181 of 20 January 1997) and ICPD+5 (A/RES/52/188 of 4 February 1998). (See attached) One of the Co-facilitators has already replied acknowledging receipt of the letter.
It is important to point to Government delegates in the negotiations that are taking place today and on Tuesday 16 December that the General Assembly has already established modalities for Major Groups and NGO access to preparatory processes that could be used in this instance.
Civil society participation is not addressed at all in the draft modalities resolution for he intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda.