Consultations to continue on Post-2015 summit modalities

Ib Petersen, Permanent Representative of Denmark, and Robert Aisi, Permanent Representative of Papua New Guinea, have been re-appointed as co-facilitators to continue consultations to finalize the draft resolution on the organizational modalities for the UN summit to adopt the post-2015 development agenda.
Petersen and Aisi co-facilitated consultations on the modalities during the 68th UNGA session, and submitted a draft resolution that constituted the basis for a consensus, per their letter of 12 September. It resolution was forwarded to UNGA 69 for action. (See: Draft resolution on Post-2015 Summit Modalities transmitted to UN General Assembly)
Consultations will continue, however, in order to decide on dates for the summit and UN General Debate that do not coincide with a UN holiday. The dates 28-30 September are suggested by the President of the General Assembly in the attached letter and draft resolution.
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