IEAG draft report available for comment until 10.00 (GMT+1) Monday 27 October
Friday, October 24, 2014 at 10:34PM

The draft report of the UN Secretary General’s Independent Expert Advisory Group (IEAG) on the data revolution for sustainable development is now available online and open for comments until Monday 27 October, 10.00 (GMT+1).
The group invites comments on any aspect of the report, but please note:
- More specific comments, with reference to particular parts of the text, will be easier to take on board. It will be easier, and therefore more likely, for them to make changes based on easily identifiable points and suggested language.
- In the interests of speed the Group has put an unedited draft on line, so please forgive any errors of spelling and grammar.
Please visit the group’s page to download the report and for further information.