High-Level Task Force for ICPD calls on African leaders to accelerate gender equality, empowerment of women and young people and sexual and reproductive health and rights

At a press conference held during the African Regional Conference on Population and Development, the High-Level Task Force for ICPD has issued a press release in which it calls on top decision-makers in the Africa Region to step up political will and investments for advancing gender equality, the empowerment of women and young people, and sexual and reproductive health and rights – fundamental human rights issues and also critical for the sustainable development of the region.
In particular it asks African Governments to ensure the incorporation of the following as priority objectives in both the regional agenda for Cairo Beyond 2014 and the new post-2015 global development agenda:
- Respect, protect and fulfill sexual and reproductive rights for all - through legal and policy reforms and public education campaigns and community mobilization on human rights;
- Accelerate universal access to quality, comprehensive and integrated sexual and reproductive health information, education and services;
- Guarantee universal access to comprehensive sexuality education for all young people, in and out of school; and,
- Eliminate violence against women and girls and secure universal access to critical services for all victims and survivors of gender-based violence.
For full press release see http://www.icpdtaskforce.org/pdf/2013-10-03-Call-for-Acceleration-of-Efforts.pdf