UN-NGLS Civil Society Consultation for the High-level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Dec 2012-Jan 2013

The report on the High Level Panel (HLP) Framing Questions has been compiled by the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) for the HLP meeting in Monrovia, Liberia, 30 January – 2 February 2013. Just under 800 responses from 134 participating organizations, international networks and individual respondents through online submissions and email.
The selection of questions was organized under two main themes: A) The shape and content of a post-2015 development framework; B) Partnership and accountability for development. Each question has been reported upon in a stand-alone section of this synthesis report, and therefore there is some overlap and repetition in the content of responses across the 13 questions.
Thanks to the efforts of a number of NGOs, in the 39 pages, there are five specific references to sexual and reproductive health and rights in the report in addressing the questions: How a new framework should reflect the particular challenges of the poor living in conflict and post-conflict settings -- Human rights and gender equality as guiding principles; Implementing sustainable development through the international human rights framework; and in the Health Section of Additional dimensions to be included in the in the architecture of the framework in the Annex.