Message from the Chair: about the iERG open consultation with stakeholders

May 24, 2012
According to the Chair, Dr Richard Horton, the (Independent Expert Review Group) iERG open consultation with stakeholders on Thursday May 24 in Geneva at the time of the World Health Assembly at the World Council of Churches was an event that all the members of the iERG had been looking forward to for months.
Speakers included Rebecca Affolder, from Ban-Ki Moon's office, who spoke on "Every Woman, Every Child"; Flavia Bustreo, WHO's Assistant-Director General for Family, Women's, and Children's Health, who showed how WHO and her partner agencies were working to deliver accountability around the Global Strategy; Ann Starrs, on behalf of the Countdown to 2015 collaboration; and Carole Presern, the Director of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health.
Among the issues raised by the large audience were the human rights dimensions of accountability; the meaningful engagement and participation from citizens and civil society; and the involvement of national (and regional) parliaments in accountability? The iERG was also urged to take seriously the importance of adolescents, nutrition, and quality.
For further information see Dr Richard Horton’s blog and keynote presentations