Co-chairs for the High Level Panel on post-Millennium Development Goals announced

It has been announced that the UN Secretary-Genera, Ban Ki-moon, has asked David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, President Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia and President Yudhoyono of Indonesia to co-chair the High Level Panel on post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They will lead the process to start identifying a new international framework for development when the current MDGs expire in 2015.
Prime Minister David Cameron, President Johnson-Sirleaf and President Yodhoyono said:
“We are delighted to have been asked by the UN Secretary-General to co-chair the High Level Panel on the post-MDG framework on development. The Millennium Development Goals have shaped the world's approach to international development for a generation, helping to put millions of children into school and save countless lives. We still have some way to go, but we also want to build on what has been achieved so far. In the years since the MDGs were agreed, we have made significant progress and learned many lessons on how to reduce poverty. We now know more about the critical role that economic growth, trade, tackling corruption, effective government and open societies play in creating wealth and unlocking the potential of the poorest countries. We look forward to working together to ensure the full realization of the MDGs, and to listening to many more voices to set out an ambitious, new agenda for ending poverty in the years beyond 2015".
Source: DFID