High Level Panel Meeting and Civil Society Engagement in London, 1 & 2 November 2012

The High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) is holding its second meeting in London on 1 November. The meeting will be focused on poverty at the individual and household level, through the themes of human development, and jobs and livelihoods.
Back-to- back with this meeting on 2 November the Beyond 2015 campaign and other partners are coordinating global civil society engagement with the HLP with two events: a roundtable with limited participation (30 organizations) and a civil society dialogue (200 organizations). One of the objectives of the HLP meeting is to provide an opportunity for civil society perspectives and expertise on the post-2015 agenda by providing a space for global civil society to engage with the process to create the post-MDG framework.
The EuroNGOs, the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and YP Foundation/RESURJ have been invited to attend the Roundtable together with the following organizations: Development Initiatives; ATD Fourth World; GCAP and CIVICUS; Amnesty International UK; Womankind Worldwide; WWF UK; CAFOD; International Alert; Sightsavers; VOICE; LDC Watch; Niger Delta Women's Movement for Peace and Development; Platforme des Orginasitions Nationales et Territoriales de la Societe Civile Haitienne (PONT-SCH); Social Watch Philippines; African Women Economic Policy Network (AWEPON); Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities; Beyond 2015/GCAP; Colombia Confederation of NGOs; International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID); International Trade Union Confederation; New African Research and Development Agency (NARDA); Feminist Task Force (FTF) of the Global Call to Action against Poverty; School of Midwifery and VSO International; Kikandwa Environmental Association; Pan African Climate Justice Alliance; The Canadian Council of Churches ; and Save the Children China.
Town Hall: a Dialogue with Civil Society and members of the High-level Panel
The Town Hall: a Dialogue with Civil Society and members of the High-level Panel will be held at the Royal Society and participants will include a number of organizations working on sexual and reproductive health and rights. Interventions should be no longer than 2-3 minutes and on the themes being addressed by the HLP in London (as stated above) -- poverty at the individual and household level, through the themes of human development, and jobs and livelihoods.
The Town Hall meeting will be streamed live on www.worldwewant2015.org and contributions can be made online through twitter with the hashtag #Post2015HLP. Subsequent meetings of the HLP will look at national and state-level development (Monrovia in January/February), and the global partnership for development and sustainability (Bali in March).