On-line conversation begins on Gender-Based Violence in Addressing Inequalities

Addressing InequalitiesThe online conversation on Gender-Based Violence,
facilitated by co-moderators from the United Nations and civil society organizations, began on 17 October in the Addressing Inequalities Section of the World We Want website. It will continue for approximately three weeks.
The Concept note for the on-line discussion states that the main objective for the conversation, which is being held in partnership with the Conversation on ‘Conflict, Violence and Disaster’, is “to stimulate a wide-ranging discussion on Gender-based Violence and its underlying or structural driving causes; and for the main findings and recommendations from this discussion to be reflected in each consultations’ synthesis report, to be presented to key decision-makers at meetings under the consultations and through other means of global dissemination.”
The results from the online discussion will be included in the Inequalities Consultation Synthesis Report that will inform the Regional Thematic Consultation on Violence, taking place in Liberia in December 2012.
The conversation is framed by the following questions:
1. What are the major structural factors at the root of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), within and among different societies?
2. What are the challenges or the obstacles to addressing the structural factors/causes of GBV? What are some effective strategies/approaches to overcoming these challenges/obstacles?
3. What forms of violence are not adequately addressed through State responses?
4. What are the challenges for developing inclusive policies and strategies to address the issue of GBV for women who suffer multiple forms of discrimination (e.g. women with disabilities, HIV/AIDS, indigenous women, sex workers, LGBTI women etc…)?
5. How has GBV been integrated into wider gender equality policies, budgets and advocacy approaches? For example how has GBV been integrated into wider approaches to citizen security (e.g. in Latin America, in the context of widespread urban violence, etc.) or within other sectors (e.g. education, labour, health)?
For further information see http://www.worldwewant2015.org/node/280134