Call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda

worldwewant2015.orgA call for proposals from civil society organizations to host consultation meeting(s) on health in the post-2015 agenda has been announced on the World We Want 2015 website
The Governments of Sweden and Botswana, working with WHO and UNICEF, will take the leadership and overall steering of the thematic consultation on health.
Objectives of the Health Thematic Consultation
The objectives of the health thematic consultation are:
- To stimulate wide ranging discussion at global, regional and country levels, on progress made and lessons learnt from the present MDGs relating to health;
- To discuss and develop a shared understanding – among Member States, UN agencies, civil society and others – on the positioning of health in the post 2015 development framework;
- To propose health goals and related targets and indicators for the post-2015 development agenda, as well as approaches for implementation, measurement and monitoring
Civil Society consultations
While all stakeholders will have the opportunity to participate in the online consultation, further processes are envisaged for civil society, academia and the private sector. These groups will be able to come together around the same table in the high level meeting which will take place at the end of the consultation process to discuss the various inputs, and will endorse recommendations to the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 agenda.
Specific resources have been earmarked for civil society engagement in the consultation and following informal discussions with various civil society groups, it has been decided to issue a call for proposals from civil society organizations and coalitions (particularly from Africa, Asia/Pacific, and Latin America, and coalitions with partners in these regions) for the use of these resources, including hosting face to face civil society meeting(s) of civil society representatives to guide and review inputs into the web consultation and the high level meeting.
Form of the meeting
The resources are available for meeting(s) and/or other processes in any location, and in any format. The key selection criteria will be the ability to bring together civil society organizations with experience in health to address the following five framing questions of the consultation, as (please see outline of the process for more detail on the five questions)
1. Lessons learnt from the health MDGs: What are the lessons learnt from the health related MDGs?
2. Health priorities post 2015: What is the priority health agenda for the 15 years after 2015?
3. Framing the future health goal: How does health fit in the post 2015 development agenda?
4. Measurement of progress towards the health goals: What are the best indicators and targets for health?
5. Ensuring a process and outcome that is relevant to the key stakeholders: How can key stakeholders and partners, singly and collectively, best help to position health in the post-2015 agenda?
It is hoped that proposals are submitted for regional meetings in Latin America, Asia/Pacific and Africa or for a global meeting, which effectively demonstrates the ability to bring in voices from all regions. They should preferably take place in developing countries. Proposals are also welcomed for meetings that are side meetings or back-to-back with large civil society organization meetings. Such consultations should take place by the end of January 2013 to ensure that inputs are available for the High Level Meeting.
Output of the meeting
The organizer will be expected to deliver a report of the meeting, which will be publicized on the website, together with the list of participants. It is important to note the report will not be considered as a consolidated civil society position on health, but will be a an input into the final report. A representative from the meeting will be invited to the high level meeting in March 2013.
Eligibility to apply
The call is open to civil society organizations working in the field of health. The term civil society in this context refers to the sphere of autonomous associations that are independent of the public and for-profit sectors and designed to advance collective interests and ideas. The hosting civil society organization or coalition should be able to demonstrate the ability to reach out to a representative network(s) of civil society with links to people in the relevant region directly affected by poverty, and with an experience in advocating for health and/or providing health services directly, and in particular in reaching out to marginalised or vulnerable populations. The Organization or Coalition should have international experience, either global, regional or sub regional. Preferably the meetings should take place in developing countries.
It would be preferable that the hosting civil society organization or coalition does not have a focus on one disease or condition and has some experience in advocacy around MDGs or the post 2015 agenda. It is also preferable that organizations are based in Africa, Asia/Pacific or Latin America, or are coalitions including groups from these regions. Joint submissions to meet these conditions would be acceptable
Timeline for submission
Please send concept notes by email to by November 2, 2012. Please mark the subject line: response to call for proposals CSO
Resources available
Requests of up to US$ 50,000 per meeting will be considered for a maximum of three consultations. The funds requested should cover the costs of the meeting and the travel costs of participants if this is necessary to ensure full participation.
Information to be included in the concept note
The concept note should be short (less than two pages) but must include the following information
Selection process
Based on the concept notes received, the task team responsible for the consultation, will draw up a short list of organizations and hold discussions with each organization for further detail. The final selection of organization(s) will be based on the outcome of these discussions.