Global Consultation on Governance & the Post-2015 Framework

The global thematic consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework, co-convened by UNDP and OHCHR, in partnership with the Government of Germany, has begun on the World We Want 2015 website. It is “an open and inclusive forum for civil society, policy makers, government officials, donors, UN staff and all other stakeholders to discuss the scope and priorities of a post-2015 development agenda.”
As stated on the website, it can be seen that sustained progress towards the MDGs has been underpinned by strong democratic governance and hampered by its absence. Taking this into account as well as the dramatic shift in the global political and economic context since the inception of the MDGs, a new development agenda should “reflect these trends, whilst building on the positive achievements of the MDGs.”
The thematic consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Framework in is a response to an increasing demand from various actors, especially civil society, “to discuss governance and accountability bottlenecks in the context of the MDGs, and how these gaps could be addressed in a new global development framework.”
The consultation is therefore designed to “stimulate dialogue, facilitate an exchange of ideas and collect and document the views, experiences and perspectives of key stakeholders vis-à-vis governance and accountability on this forum.”
Events are posted on the website, together with a number of key documents, including a revised concept note and thematic think piece
and instructions as to how to join the conversation.