
Global family planning community gathers for international conference

2011 International Conference on Family Planning

Dakar, 29th November 2011 – Marie Stopes International is honoured to have been invited to deliver 21 presentations, panels and posters at this esteemed global conference. Drawing on experience from across its 40 country programmes, Marie Stopes International will bring a range of family planning priorities to the fore. As key contributors, the organisation will present on: reaching the underserved; partnering with the private sector; engaging with younger generations; and task shifting amongst the global health workforce.

Only the second of its kind, this high level meeting brings together global leaders in service delivery, research, advocacy and policy making to share research and best practice.

Dana Hovig, Marie Stopes International CEO says: “We believe passionately in partnership and the value of learning from others, which is why Marie Stopes International is delighted to be so actively involved in this conference. If we are to do justice to the 215 million women who want, but cannot access modern family planning methods, the international health community must work together. Working collaboratively and constantly striving to improve service delivery is key to the success of Millennium Development Goal 5’s aim of universal access to reproductive health.”

Marie Stopes International exists to reach the underserved, by providing them with the fullest possible range of reproductive health choices, including modern contraception, safe abortion services (where legally permitted) and post-abortion care. In 2010 alone, more than 7 million couples were using a modern method of contraception as a result of our work.

The conference programme and additional information is available from

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