Entries by Richard (1726)


HLPF Weekly Update 5 - Wednesday, 10 June

Here is the weekly update of HLPF announcements relevant to the Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS). The headings will remain each week so that new participants can receive all the relevant information when they join the mailing list.

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Ocean Action Newsletter June 2020: World Oceans Day highlights solutions for a sustainable ocean

Despite current challenges, 2020 is still a super year for biodiversity, and the UN is working hard this month to keep up the momentum for ocean action, including hosting webinars and promoting science-based solutions for the ocean.

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UN Headquarters heads towards the "New Normal"

The United Nations Headquarters in New York City, largely closed since mid-March, this week began its three phased reopening as per the relaxing of city COVID-19 regulations. 

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Summit report out... Global Conversations start June 10th

Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Report

This report captures the unique essence, substance and outcomes of the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, launched at a particularly challenging time for sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. As countries around the world grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, we see just how critical the issues highlighted at the Summit are.

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HLPF Weekly Update 4 - Wednesday 3 June

Here is the weekly update of HLPF announcements relevant to the Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS). The headings will remain each week so that new participants can receive all the relevant information when they join the mailing list.

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HLPF Weekly Update 3 - Wednesday, 27 May

There were no new updates to this weekly email but please take note of the processes marked with [final call].

HLPF Format

Download the [2020 HLPF Programme] from the 'Latest' column of the HLPF 2020 website. 

It is likely that the 2020 HLPF will be virtual.

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Zero Draft | Ministerial Declaration | HLPF 2020 

As previously shared, the first of the virtual consultations on the zero draft of the 2020 HLPF Ministerial Declaration will take place on 8 June 2020 at 3pm.  

Participation: 1 representative for each of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) will be invited to the meeting to represent each Group. Each MGoS Group will nominate their representative.

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[Webinar and Online Survey] - Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs and recovery from Covid-19

Register to attend the Webinar here: bit.ly/STIwebinarCOVID19 (Deadline: 7 June 2020

Contribute to the online surveyhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH-STIHLPF2020

Further details including the letter from the President of ECOSOC

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Save the Date/Register: IAEG-SDGs Open Virtual Meeting, 2 June 2020

UNSD is pleased to announce an open virtual meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs):

Covid-19 impacts and responses on data collection,
SDG monitoring and on vulnerable groups

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Invitation to UN World Data Forum webinar: Use Versus Protection: Data In The Balance During COVID-19 | 29 May | 9:00 AM (EDT)

The United Nations World Data Forum (UNWDF) team is pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar on “USE VERSUS PROTECTION: DATA IN THE BALANCE DURING COVID-19” on Friday, 29 May 2020 at 9:00 am (EDT).

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