Entries by Richard (1726)


Commission on Population and Development, 54th session, 2021: posting 1

Future possibilities for civil society participation in CPD

In the Conference room paper (E/CN.9/2021/CRP.1) for the upcoming session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD54) from 19-20 April,  a number of suggestions were put forward for civil society’s future participation in the work of the Commission. 

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ECOSOC Youth Forum applications extended to Mar. 24th

ECOSOC Youth Forum 

(7-8 April, 2021) is coming up, and the deadline for registrations have been extended to March 24th, 2021. If you are a youth led or youth focused organization, or you have members from your organizations that could be interested, please consider to join and let them know. 

About ECOSOC Youth Forum 2021 

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum will be held on 7 and 8 April 2021. It will be a virtual event bringing on board young people from around the world.


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UN’s Call for Innovations Catalyzed by COVID-19

Do you have an innovation developed or adapted to address COVID-19-associated disruptions  that will remain relevant beyond the pandemic to help accelerate progress towards one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?  

We are excited to share with you this upcoming opportunity to feature your innovation at the virtual United Nations Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Forum 2021. Apply now for the opportunity to showcase at the virtual UN stage on May 4-5, 2021.


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You’re invited: Building Food and Water Security in an Era of Climate Shocks, 24 March, 8:30 - 10AM (EDT)

The health of the environment affects the supply of water that can be used to ensure a sufficient, safe and nutritious food system. The impacts of climate change on the global hydrological cycle, for instance, vary the patterns of demand and supply of water for agriculture—the dominant user of freshwater. This session, organized by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP), will look at how climate change is affecting people’s access to safe and nutritious food and water.

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Virtual Launch of the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy 2021 Process

You are cordially invited to join the 

Virtual Launch of the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy 2021 Process:
A Year of Energy Action
Weds., 10 March, from 9:00 am New York time 

Watch the launch webstream at webtv.un.org or un.org/en/conferences/energy21, or follow on Twitter @UN_Energy

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UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development


How can we advance towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in times of COVID-19 response and recovery? The 2021 UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development will uncover concrete policy actions to accelerate SDG progress and spur the efforts to build back better.

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Register for the NGO CSW65 Virtual Forum!

The NGO CSW65 Forum is only 3 weeks away! Although the Forum is entirely online this year, you’ll still be able to participate in all the things that make the Forum great! Attend Consultation Day, conversation circles, regional caucuses, and the virtual Artisan Fair, plus new features like a digital Exhibit Hall and the Public Forum. You’ll even be able to connect with other attendees, network, and promote your work!

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Sign the Declaration for #VaccinEquity

At this pivotal moment in the pandemic and ahead of the G7 meeting this week, I’m writing to ask you and your organization to sign this WHO declaration calling on leaders to start vaccinating health workers and those at high risk of COVID-19 in all countries within the first 100 days of 2021.

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Save the Date: United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day, 8 March at 10:00 am EST

Save the date

United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day 2021

Women in Leadership: Achieving an equal future on a COVID-19 world on the way to the Generation Equality Forum

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The Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (RSEM) for the UN Economic Commission for Europe UNECE) is responsible for planning interventions and strategy meetings related to the Regional Forum for Sustainable Development (RFSD) for the region 


The meeting will take place on 17 and 18 March

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