
Post-2015 negotiations: 21 January interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other stakeholders

We have received the following information from the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service for organizations wishing to speak in the interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other stakeholders:

Dear Colleagues, 

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 21 January, the intergovernmental negotiations of the post-2015 development agenda will include an interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other stakeholders. 

This interactive dialogue is currently scheduled for 3:00-5:00pm, as indicated in the programme for the 19-21 January stocktaking session for the intergovernmental negotiations.

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[WEBINAR - 22 Jan] Environment and climate change in post-2015 negotiations

Beyond 2015 and Climate Action Network are pleased to invite you to a webinar on environment and climate change in Post-2015 negotiations.

The SDGs can help to better manage our natural resources and to deliver climate change mitigation and adaption action… if we get it right! In this webinar, we will explore what is needed to help deliver a new set of goals which are truly sustainable, leading to a life of dignity without destroying the planet's potential to provide for future generations and we will explain the link to other UN processes especially the UNFCCC process.

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Intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda

The first session of the process for negotiating the post-2015 development agenda will be held at the UN in New York, 19-21 January 2015. It will be a “stock-taking event”, to be opened by the President of the General Assembly and Secretary-General as well as by the Co-facilitators, Ambassadors Macharia Kamau and David Donoghue. The three day session will consider the Synopsis of the process: how we got here; Integrating sustainable development goals and targets into the post-2015 development agenda; the Declaration; Means of Implementation and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development and Follow up and review. There will also be an interactive dialogue with Major Groups and other Stakeholders.

The agenda is available to download here


Stakeholder Preparatory Forum to be held on 16 January

**Registration Deadlines Extended to 13 January 2015**

The Major Groups Programme of the Division for Sustainable Development and the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service are working to ensure broad and inclusive participation of major groups and other stakeholders in the post-2015 negotiations in a number of ways, including by setting up Stakeholder Steering Committees. Registration deadlines for the following will expire shortly:

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Update on Official version of the UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report


Call for proposals: Advocacy grants for post- 2015

2014 marked the twentieth anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). 2015 is the year the successor to the Millennium Development Goals will be negotiated and adopted. The outcome of these processes will greatly impact future Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) policy, funding and programming priorities at global level and at national level.

Civil society (CS) has a critical role to play in influencing government priorities and positions for the post- 2015 regional and global negotiations. To ensure that CS engagement in these processes is strong, meaningful and has impact IPPF is launching round two of a small grants facility. The facility will support CS engagement in post 2014/15 policy processes. This fund will support CSOs who are working with their governments, at country level, to develop strong positions in support of SRHR. This will enable governments to champion SRHR and population dynamics in forthcoming global policy opportunities related to the ICPD and all the processes that feed into the development of the post- 2015 development framework. 

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Save the date: PGA Interactive Hearing with Civil Society (16 Jan 2015)

This interactive dialogue will take place in advance of the five high-level thematic debates and events that the General Assembly President will host in 2015 as a contribution to delivering on and implementing a transformative post-2015 development agenda, namely:

  1. High-Level Thematic Debate on Means of Implementation for a Transformative Post-2015 development agenda (9-10 February 2015) 
  2. High-Level Thematic Debate on Advancing Gender equality and empowerment of Women in the Post-2015 development agenda (6 March 2015)
  3. High-Level Thematic Debate on Promoting Tolerance and Reconciliation (6 April 2015 TBC)
  4. High-Level Thematic Debate on Strengthening Cooperation between the UN and regional and sub-regional organizations (15 May 2015)
  5. High-Level Event on Climate Change (29 June 2015). 

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UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis report on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda available in all UN official languages

Please note that the Secretary-General's synthesis report on the post-2015 sustainable development agenda is now available in all the UN official languages at


February negotiating session for the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Apply for stakeholder steering committee and speaking roles

The UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs - Division for Sustainable Development (DESA-DSD) Major Groups Programme and the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS) are working together to set up stakeholder Steering Committees to ensure broad and inclusive participation of stakeholders in the negotiating sessions on the post-2015 development agenda, taking place at UN Headquarters in New York. DESA-DSD and UN-NGLS are also facilitating nomination processes for speakers to contribute to these sessions, in accordance with the modalities that are defined for the negotiations.

Submit Steering Committee applications and speaker nominations now for the 17-20 February post-2015 negotiating session. 

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Unleash Adolescent Girls’ Potential: A Response to the UN Secretary-General’s Synthesis Report.

The response, with 80 signatures from over 15 countries, is available for download here