
UN PGA's High-Level Debate on Oceans (1 June 2021) - Registration now open

The President of the General Assembly will convene a high-level thematic debate on the ocean and Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. With the support of the Governments of Portugal and Kenya – co-hosts of the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference, as well as H.E. Mr. Peter Thomson, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Oceans, this gathering will serve as a drumbeat to generate momentum towards the Conference in Lisbon, when public health safety measures allow.

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Register Now! Online Stakeholders Thematic Debate High-Level Dialogue on Energy 2021

Join us at this online thematic debate for an exchange of views and inputs/contributions from stakeholders on the five overarching themes of the United Nations High-Level Dialogue on Energy, which will be held in September 2021.

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Twentieth session of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation: 1 to 4 June 2021

The twentieth session of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 to 4 June 2021. The general debate and the thematic segment will be virtual while the closing session will be in person. The session will review progress made in implementing the Buenos Aires Plan of Action, the new directions strategy for South-South cooperation, the Nairobi outcome document of the High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation and the Buenos Aires outcome document of the second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40). 

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Sixth annual Science, Technology and Innovation Forum for the SDGs (4-5 May 2021) 

The theme of the STI Forum 2021 is: “Science, technology and innovation for a sustainable and resilient COVID-19 recovery, and effective pathways of inclusive action towards the Sustainable Development Goals”. The Forum will discuss science, technology and innovation cooperation around thematic areas for the implementation of the SDGs, congregating all relevant stakeholders to actively contribute in their area of expertise...

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International Sexual and Reproductive Rights Coalition (ISRRC) statement on the outcome of the 54th session of the Commission on Population and Development 

The International Sexual and Reproductive Rights Coalition (ISRRC)* welcomes the outcome resolution of the 54th session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) on the special theme on population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development. #CPD54

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Commission on Population and Development, 54th session, 2021: posting 2

The 54th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development begins at 10am on Monday 19 April with an in-person meeting, chaired by Ambassador Yemdaogo Eric Tiare. Opening statements will be made by Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy-Secretary-General; HE Alpha Barry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, African Integration and Bukinabè Abroad, Burkina Faso; Dr Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, UNFPA; Qu Dongyu, Director-General, FAO; Gilbert Houngbo, President, International Fund for Agricultural Development; Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA); and Agnes Kalibata, Special Envoy for the Food Systems Summit.  

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Survey for civil society input UN High Level Meeting on AIDS and Political Declaration

Please find below the link to the survey for civil society input into the priorities for the UN High Level Meeting on AIDS and the Political Declaration to be adopted at this meeting.

The deadline for input is April 20th. The survey is in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian.

Please share widely with partners.



HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1921 – 2021

The Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commat) is saddened at death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. As Commat, we send our sincere condolences. 

Until his retirement at the age of 96, the Duke frequently accompanied the Queen at Commonwealth events including Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) and the annual celebrations for Commonwealth Day. 

As well as the annual service in Westminster Abbey, Commonwealth Day is marked by a reception attended by High Commissioners and other diplomats and dignitaries and representatives of Commonwealth NGOs. At one of them, not long before he retired, I met the Duke and received what might be called ‘a right royal telling off’.

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Invitation to the Side Event at the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum - by the Youth Wing of the GCAP Social Justice Task Force on DWD

6th April 2021 - 9am New York time (EDT) - Invitation to the Side Event at the UN ECOSOC Youth Forum - by the Youth Wing of the GCAP Social Justice Task Force on DWD

I would like to invite you to the Official Side Event at the UN ECOSOC Youth MGOS jointly by the Youth Wing of the Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent  and the Global Forum on Communities Discriminated by Work and Descent (GFoD).

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ECOSOC Youth Forum: Join Open Side-Events


The ECOSOC Youth Forum is bringing together young leaders worldwide to engage in candid dialogue with representatives of UN Member States.


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