Reminder: the deadline Tweet inputs is Tuesday, 26 April, COB NYC time
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 5:17PM
Richard in 2030 Agenda, HLPF, UNGA

As per our earlier posting (See 2030 SD Agenda: use Twitter to comment on the co-facilitators' elements paper by Tuesday, 26 April) Major Groups and other Stakeholders should submit comments on the co-facilitators' elements paper on Twitter using the hashtag #2030followup.

A list of tweets from NGOsBeyond2014 follows:

Support inclusion of integrated nature of all SDGs & cross-cutting issues allowing for new & emerging issues. #2030followup

Guidelines for voluntary national reviews should include all targets, no cherry-picking. #2030followup

Voluntary national reviews must involve civil society organizations in process. #2030followup 

All targets must be implemented and reviewed equally. No target must be left behind. #2030followup

Regional implementation  & reviews must fully involve civil society organizations. #2030followup

All targets must be fully implemented, followed-up & reviewed. #2030followup

We support fullest involvement of MGoS as included in elements paper in line with their participation in IGN. #2030followup

2030 Agenda needs full involvement of civil society organizations in all facets of implementation, follow-up & review. #2030followup

CSO reports must be part of official inputs into HLPF & made available on web-based platform. #2030followup

Important that procedures to ensure intergovernmental bodies can contribute to avoid silos. #2030followup 

Func commissions should fully address 2030 Agenda implementation & feed into HLPF work. #2030followup

Important that HLPF activities under ECOSOC & GA be clarified allowing for inclusion of new & emerging issues. #2030followup 

Support ECOSOC Pres summary including recommendations on new & emerging issues. #2030followup

Support review at 74th session in 2019, including indicators. #2030followup

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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