Summit of the Future No 40: Virtual Consultation with Co-facilitators on Rev 2 of the Pact for the Future, 31 July 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 5:47PM
Richard in SOTF, Summit of the Future

The Co-facilitators for the Pact for the Future, Ambassadors Antje Leendertse of Germany and Neville M Gertze of Namibia, have provided further information about the Virtual Consultation on Rev 2 of the Pact for the Future, in their letter dated 18 July 2024.

The Virtual Consultation will be held on 31 July from 10 am to 1pm (New York time) to provide the “opportunity for all stakeholders to share their reactions and views on Rev 2 of the Pact with Member States for the final intergovernmental negotiations.”

Member States are encouraged to “engage in this opportunity for a direct exchange of ideas between MGoS, civil society and delegations”, as the Co-facilitators strongly believe “that the consideration of civil society input can enrich the outcomes of the Summit…” 

Priority, as for previous consultations, will be given to statements on behalf of groups of States or stakeholders:


  1. Co-Chairs o0f the Coordination Mechanism of MGoS (max 5 mins)
  2. Representatives of individual MGoS, civil society coalitions and groups (max 3 mins)
  3. Representatives of individual NGOs, expert groups, private sector and other stakeholders (max 2 mins)


All stakeholders, including MGoS and civil society representatives, interested in the consultation should register using this link (see also QR code below). A link to the virtual room will be shared before the consultation and information will be given using the chat box as to how connected stakeholders can inscribe on the list of speakers.


Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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