Summit of the Future No 37: Rev 2 of Declaration on Future Generations – Letter from Co-facilitators, dated 2 July 2024
Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 2:29AM
Richard in SOTF, Summit of the Future

Rev 2 of the Declaration on Future Generations (DOFG) was circulated to UN delegations  by the Co-facilitators, Ambassadors Yoka M G Brandt of the Netherlands and Brian Wallace of Jamaica on 2 July 2024. In their accompanying letter, the Co-facilitators stated that it reflected Member States  “collective insights and interventions”. They also circulated an explanation of the following concepts, “future-proofing”, “anticipatory and forward-looking”, “future-oriented organizational culture” and “futures literacy”, as provided during the reading on 1 July 2024.

Rev 2 was presented, at the level of Permanent Representatives (Ambassadors) on 8 July, with further readings the following day. The deliberations will continue on 19 July from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm in the Trusteeship Council.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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