Summit of the Future No 5: Some available resources 
Friday, December 1, 2023 at 6:00AM

In addition to the General Assembly resolution 76/307 and decision 77/568, there are a number of other documents which provide further information for the preparations for the Summit of the Future (SOTF), such as the series of Policy Briefs prepared by the UN Secretary-General:

Policy Brief 1: To Think and Act for Future Generations

Policy Brief 2: Strengthening the International Response to Complex Global Shocks – An Emergency Platform

Policy Brief 3: Meaningful Youth Engagement in Policymaking and Decision-making Processes

Policy Brief 4: Valuing What Counts: Framework to Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Progress Beyond Gross Domestic Product

Policy Brief 5: A Global Digital Compact – an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All

Policy Brief 6: Information Integrity on Digital Platforms

Policy Brief 7: Reforms to the International Financial Architecture

Policy Brief 8: For All Humanity – the Future of Outer Space Governance

Policy Brief 9: A New Agenda for Peace

Policy Brief 10: Transforming Education

Policy Brief 11: UN 2.0 Forward-thinking cultures and cutting-edge for better United Nations system impact

Summary of Policy Briefs


There is a blog/fact sheet on the 2024 Summit of the Future on the Global Policy Watch

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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