The enabling resolution A/RES/76/307, adopted in September 2022, established the modalities for the Summit of the Future (SOTF).
Recalling the commemoration of the 75th UN anniversary; their pledge to strengthen global governance; their welcoming of the UN Secretary-General’s report entitled “Our Common Agenda” while reaffirming the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (70/1) and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (69/313), Member States adopted the resolution including the following:
1 The SOTF has an important role in reaffirming the UN Charter and reinvigorating multilateralism…
2 The Summit’s theme will be “Summit of the Future: multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow”
3 It will take place on 22 and 23 September in New York, preceded by a preparatory ministerial meeting on 21 September 2023
4 The concise, action-oriented outcome document, to be adopted, entitled “A Pact for the Future”’ will be agreed in advance by consensus through intergovernmental negotiations
5 The Summit will consist of:
a. Plenary meetings from 9 am to 9 pm
b. Interactive dialogues from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 6 pm to be held in parallel with the plenary meetings
6 It will comprise:
a. An opening segment on the first day, including the adoption of the outcome document, followed by statements from the President of the General Assembly (PGA), the Secretary-General (SG) and youth representatives selected by the PGA in consultation with Member States
b. A closing segment on the 2nd day from 8.30 to 9.00 pm, featuring a statement from the PGA
7 Member States and UN special agencies are encouraged to be represented by Heads of State or Government, or at the highest possible level and to speak for up to five minutes
8 Entities that have received a standing invitation to participate as observers should participate in the Summit
9 UN entitles are also invited to participate
10 “representatives of non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council [are invited] to participate in the Summit in accordance with relevant rules and procedures of the General Assembly”
11 The PGA is requested to “draw up a list of representatives of other relevant non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector” to participate in the SOTF, based on transparency, geographical representation and gender parity. Member States will consider the list on a “non-objection basis” with the final decision for participation being taken by the General Assembly.
12 Observers and UN-entities shall be able to make three minute statements
13 They, and CSOs may participate in the interactive dialogues
14 Member States and UN entities, CSOs and others are encouraged to “facilitate the participation of youth in the Summit”
15 The PGA is asked to appoint co-facilitators, one each from developed and developing countries to “facilitate open, transparent and inclusive intergovernmental consultations for the preparatory process that shall consist of:
a. Consultations to determine the “scope of the Summit, topics and organization of the interactive dialogues and process of negotiations to conclude the outcome document”
b. Negotiations “to conclude the outcome document with adequate time for the negotiating sessions”
17 “…major Groups and other stakeholders [are encouraged] to participate and engage in the preparatory process of the Summit”
18 The SOFT shall be coordinated with / and complementary to the SDG Summit
19 The SG shall provide adequate support within existing funds for SOTF organization and preparations
20 States, donors, the private sector, foundations and other are encouraged to support the participation of representatives of developing countries to the Summit and its preparatory process
21 The Summit will be webcast and the PGA and SG are encouraged to “give the highest visibility to the Summit…”
To summarize the key points for CSOs:
The SOFT includes the participation of CSOs, as has been used for other GA meetings such as Summits and Special Sessions. Organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status may participate, in accordance with General Assembly procedures. The process for other organizations is set out. Major groups and other stakeholders, however, are specifically encouraged to participate in the SOTF preparatory process.