Will you please help women and children in Nkuringo, Uganda…
Friday, May 28, 2021 at 7:46AM
Richard in Uganda

The Commonwealth Medical Trust (Commat), a charity no 1054835 in England and Wales, is committed to helping  the women and children of the remote village of Nkuringo, which is close to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, home to half the gorillas in the world in western Uganda. 

Providing water tanks and sewing machines means that the women will be able to undertake income-generating activities and will not have to keep their children out of school to go with them to collect water from the river, two hours down the mountain. 

If you wish to help the women and children in this remote Ugandan village, please send your cheque to:

Commonwealth Medical Trust,
c/o Ullyett Cottage, Old School Mews
Sandgate Hill, Folkestone CT20 3ST.

If you wish to donate electronically, our bank details are:

Commonwealth Medical Trust
Lloyds Bank, account no 00988751
Sort code: 30-94-97
IBAN: GB40 LOYD 3094 9700 9887 51

Thank you for your support

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.