HLPF Weekly Update 4 - Wednesday 3 June
Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 4:27PM
Richard in HLPF, HLPF 2020

Here is the weekly update of HLPF announcements relevant to the Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS). The headings will remain each week so that new participants can receive all the relevant information when they join the mailing list.

[update] indicates that there is new information has been announced since last week.

[final call] indicates that the deadline is soon approaching.

HLPF Format

The [2020 HLPF Programme] has been released and is available for you download from the 'Latest' column of the HLPF 2020 website. The 2020 HLPF will most likely be virtual.


Due to the likely virtual format of the 2020 HLPF, there will not be funding allocated to support travel of MGoS representatives at the 2020 HLPF. 


Registered participants will be able to attend the virtual meetings. Others will be able to follow the meeting through UN Web TV or YouTube. Further details on the process will be shared soon.

New Stakeholders Webpage

UN DESA has created a 'Stakeholders' page which is accessible from the HLPF 2020 navigation bar. It contains information on engagement and participation at the 2020 HLPF.

Ministerial Declaration [update] 

All documentation can be found in the Library section of the Stakeholders, 2020 HLPF website. Three meetings of informal consultations will take place on:


1 representative from each of the MGoS will be invited to the meeting to represent each Group. Each MGoS Group will nominate their representative. Please note that the informal consultations will not be broadcast on UN Web TV. Notetakers should be advised that the consultations will take place under Chatham House Rule. 

Oral Statements

3 representatives will be invited to make statements on behalf of the MGoS. The nomination process will be conducted by the MGoS CM Advocacy Task Group. 

Written Statements

Each MGoS Group may submit a written statement of key messages (1 page). These should be sent to desa-oisc2@un.org on Monday, 8 June 2020 by 1pm EDT (New York time). Please await further instructions from your MGoS Group.

Lead Discussants - Official Thematic Sessions

UN DESA will be requesting 11 Lead Discussants from the Major Groups and other Stakeholders to participate in the official thematic sessions of the 2020 HLPF.

Each of the MGoS will conduct its own process to nominate Lead Discussants. These nominations will then be reviewed by the Steering Group of the MGoS Coordination Mechanism. A slate of nominations will be submitted by the Steering Group to ECOSOC for review. Please do not contact UN DESA directly to submit a nomination, await instruction from your Major Group and/or Stakeholder Group about its own nomination process.

The deadline to submit the slate of nominations to ECOSOC will be on Monday, 22 June at 12pm EDT (New York time). Please note that the deadlines for the MGoS' own nomination processes will conclude much earlier than the date above and may differ between each Group.

Stakeholder Perspective - Official Thematic Session

The MGoS Official Session is listed in the 2020 HLPF Programme on Tuesday, 7 July 2020 from 5 - 6pm EDT (New York time). The title of the session is: Transformative pathways to realize the 2030 Agenda: a whole of society approach taking into account the impact of COVID19 (Stakeholder perspective). UN DESA will be working with the MGoS Coordination Mechanism Steering Group to organise the session. You will be able to view the session on UN Web TV or YouTube.


Executive Summaries

The deadline for the executive summaries of the MGoS Sectoral Position Papers has passed. An advance unedited version of the compilation of the executive summaries of the position papers on the theme of the HLPF, submitted by MGoS, can be found here: E/HLPF/2020/2

Sectoral Position Papers

The deadline for the MGoS Sectoral Position Papers (in full) has passed. We are very grateful for all of the submissions from the MGoS. These reports will be reviewed and posted as inputs on the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Paragraph 89 Reports  [final call]

The soft deadline for MGoS Paragraph 89 reports was on Monday, 1 June. Please submit any outstanding reports as soon as possible to bekelee@un.org. These reports will be reviewed and posted as inputs on the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Side Events & Exhibitions

All Side-events and Exhibitions will be held virtually. The deadline to submit an application has now passed. Further information can be found under Other Events on the HLPF 2020 website.


The ‘Library’ section on the ‘Stakeholders’ page of the HLPF 2020 website has been updated with the following documentation:

Letter from Co-Facilitators Ministerial Declaration HLPF 27 May 2020

Zero Draft of the Ministerial Declaration HLPF 27 May 2020

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.