Proposed changes in General Debate format for 75th UN General Assembly session: Stakeholder and CSO participation and rescheduling of 25th Anniversary of Fourth World Conference on Women
Friday, June 19, 2020 at 10:41AM
Richard in UN, UNGA

A  proposal on the format of the 75th UN General Assembly made by the current President, H.E. Tijjani Muhammad Bande, was discussed during a virtual meeting on 12 June. Member States are invited to submit written comments by today, 19 June.

The high-level week has been anticipated as the start of a “landmark year” for the UN.  Under the proposal changes to the format of the UN General Debate and surrounding high-level meetings in September 2020 would respond to the anticipated limitations on international travel and the convening of large in-person meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Under the revised format and based on advice from the UN Secretary-General, the host government (US) local authorities (New York City and New York State), Member States, and the UN’s medical director:

Rescheduling of 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women Other high-level meetings, including the Summit on Biodiversity and High-level meeting on 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women are currently scheduled to convene in parallel to the debate. Citing operational limitations on parallel meetings, Muhammad-Bande suggests changing their dates to allow for the use of virtual platforms and pre-recorded video statements as follows: 

Proceedings of the high-level week will be streamed live on UN WebTV and all statements made in any of the UN’s six official languages will be interpreted into the other five languages. Side events are encouraged to take place over virtual platforms only.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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