ICPD25 – from now to the Nairobi Summit - Posting 3
Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 6:56AM
Richard in ICPD +25

International Steering Committee

At its meeting on 26 April, the International Steering Committee (ISC) at which it discussed strategic planning, it was agreed that the ‘Three Zeros’ will be the focus for developing a road map to end the unfinished business of the ICPD by 2030:

  1. Zero unmet need for family planning information and services 
  2. Zero preventable maternal; deaths
  3. Zero gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls

The Summit will adopt a series of global commitments focused on achieving the goals of the ICPD. These commitments will be entirely voluntary and the international community will discuss how to bring them to fruition at the Summit.

International Programme Committee

The International Programme Committee (IPC) met on 23 May to discuss the terms of reference for members and to start developing the programme for the Summit, which will be inclusive and focus on the global commitments. It will be organized around the five themes and five cross-cutting accelerators. IPC members emphasized that there must be synergy between the programme design and the global commitments and that the programme must be structured to receive commitment during the Summit.


There is a page on the website dedicated to registration for the Summit, which says that it will open using a third-party website, linked to the page. On the related FAQ page, there is further information that it will open in late July.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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