SDG Summit - Thank You
Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 10:32AM
Richard in SDG Summit

Dear colleagues,

I want to express my sincere gratitude to those of you who participated in the SDG Summit last week and those of you who followed the meetings via UN Webcast from home. I am especially grateful to those of you who delivered statements during the Leaders Dialogues, as well as the coordinators on behalf of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders.

I have attached a number of links to statements and documentation below which might be of interest to you:

Official Documentation

The statements of the Major Groups and other Stakeholders representatives have been posted on the SDG Summit website. All statements from Leaders Dialogues can also be found on the United Nations PaperSmart website.


The Political declaration of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly adopted at the SDG Summit can be found on the SDG Summit website under Outcomes and A/HLPF/2019/L.1.

Collection of Inputs

An online platform was created for stakeholders to share their comments, reflections and suggestions on the format of the SDG Summit and its outcomes. These contributions were summarized and brought to the attention of the above-mentioned co-facilitators. All of the inputs are available to read here: Furthermore, a synthesis report was compiled by UN DESA of the inputs, which can also be found on the SDG Summit ‘Stakeholders’ webpage:


The SDG Summit official sessions were broadcast on UN Web TV. The links for each session can be found below: 


The International Institute for Sustainable Development was responsible for the professional photography of the SDG Summit and CSO Forum.

The photos will soon be posted on Flickr.


Kind regards,

Gwilym Roberts-Harry

Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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