The 3rd Regional Conference on Population and Development
Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 8:21AM
Richard in ICPD at 25, Latin America

The following report was prepared by the International Planned Parenthood Federation-Western Hemisphere Region

The Regional Conference on Population and Development (RCPD), held in Lima, Peru from 7 August to 9 August 9 2018 was the first opportunity for countries to present national reports on implementation of the Montevideo Consensus, as well as for the presentation of a regional report on implementation by ECLAC.  The country reports were surprisingly frank, discussing challenges for implementation, actions taken, and issues they continue to struggle with.  While there is always room for improvement, the RCPD proved conclusively that intergovernmental spaces can function as opportunities for real dialogue, learning, shared challenges, and highlighting critical issues emerging or persisting in the region. 


The outcome resolution of the RCPD (available in English and Spanish) made a number of important decisions, made links between key process, and highlight issues critical to advancing SRHR in the Latin America and Caribbean regional.

The outcome resolution reaffirmed the Montevideo Consensus and made clear links to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Regional Forum of Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development. It also made clear links to the ICPD beyond 2014+5 process, deciding that the regional contribution to this process will be the 1st regional report on the implementation of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development and giving Member States until 31 December 2018 to provide recommendations and comments to the report

Importantly, the full RCPD adopted list of indicators developed by the Ad Hoc Group, giving full political weight to the list of indicators and committing countries to measuring these hard-fought indicators.  The name of the Ad Hoc Group was adjusted to “Ad Hoc Group on Indicator for the regional follow up of the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development” and their mandate was extended in order to further develop metadata on the adopted indicators until next meeting of the Presiding Officers in 2019. A final report was requested to be presented at that meeting.

The resolution urges states to strengthen statistical systems to make indigenous and afro-descendant communities and populations visible; to break barriers which perpetuate gender inequality and gaps, especially unpaid, domestic and care work, and through eradicating gender-based violence; and it requests states to include specific information on people with disabilities in national implementation reports. The resolution also recognizes the role that women’s organizations and movements and feminists have had in following up the Cairo Programme of Action, and their efforts to implement it as well. 


Preceding the Conference, IPPF/WHR took part in sponsoring and facilitating a youth camp, along with UNFPA, the LAC Youth Alliance, CAMY Fund and Plan International. IPPF/WHR youth advocates also participated in the Youth Forum, which together with the youth camp, presented a youth declaration to the RCPD.  IPPF/WHR also supported the organization, facilitation and participated in the civil society forum held August 6th, which also resulted in a declaration presented to the forum.

Side Events

The formal launch of the first regional report of Mira Que Te Miro was presented at a very successful standing-room-only event on the opening day of the conference.  IPPF/WHR also held an event on August 8th to focus of the issues comprehensive sexuality education with UNESCO, UNFPA, and INPPARES, the IPPF/WHR Member Association in Peru. Both events were extremely well attended. 

Participation at the plenary

Giselle Carino, IPPF Regional Director, was invited as a speaker in Panel 2: "Pending challenges to guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health and to close gender gaps." Given that Giselle had to travel to Argentina due to the Senate vote on the abortion bill, Maria Antonieta Alcalde presented on her behalf. Maria Antonieta highlighted the recommendations of the report "Mira Que Te Miro," talked about the challenges of the region including forced pregnancy, and closed saying that maybe not today but someday, abortion will be legal in Argentina. (The video can be seen starting at 1:54:50.)

Solidarity manifestations

A recurring element of discussions, presentations and manifestation was the vote in Argentina around abortion.  Demonstrations of support for Argentina, as well as human rights issues in Nicaragua, Honduras, and indigenous communities took place on numerous occasion every day.  The conference attendees from civil society, but also from panelists and representatives of intergovernmental bodies, were a true wave of green each day.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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