8th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs – UPDATE 3
Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 7:22PM
Richard in HLPF, HLPF 2018, IAEG-SDGs, IAEG-SDGs 8, Indicators

Update on HLG-PCCB

Maciej Truszczynski of Denmark gave an update on the work of the High-level Group for Partnership, Coordination and Capacity-Building for statistics for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (HLG-PCCB). The Group met twice at the time of World Development Forum (WDF). The first meeting decided on the venue for the 3rdWDF. It also discussed what could be improved, including the need for concrete outcomes. There should also be stronger involvement of policy-makers and greater outreach to  stakeholders, particularly the private sector, academia and CSOs. The Group discussed how to ensure that the WDF could have a lasting impact.

The Dubai Declaration (See: World Data Forum – Dubai Declaration) was a practical note that the HLG hoped would be used as an ‘eye-catching moment’. The proposed financing mechanism could lead to stronger capacity among countries. Guidelines and political commitment are needed to ensure sustainability as well as accountability and the centrality of NSOs. The World Bank has indicated its commitment. The existing paper on the mechanism is being updated with concrete suggestions, including how funding can be developed. Hopefully it will be ready by mid-December, to be discussed at the Bern meeting in January and presented to Statistics Commission. 

Updates on the work of the three working groups of the IAEGs-SDGs:

(a)       SDMX Working Group

Karen Chavez Quitero of Colombia reported on the SDMX Working Group, noting that there are 12 country members with 2 vacancies. The 3rdphysical meeting took place in October in Paris. On progress on the SDG Data Structure Definition (DSD) the 0.1 version was published in February 2018 and the 0.4 version on 20 April 2018. There is now a web-tool for the SDMX-SDG Data Lab.

The data transmission for the pilot data exchange on status of countries and agencies started in March 2018 and officially completed on 30 September 2018, although the Data Lab still accepts data that continues to be used for testing purposes. The workplan for the Group is agreed for 2019. 

For further information see: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/files/meetings/iaeg-sdgs-meeting-08/3.1%20SDMX%20Working%20Group%20Update.pdf

(b)      Geo-spatial Working Group

Marie Haldorson of Sweden presented the update of Geo-spatial Working Group which held two online meetings in June and October. It presented a report to the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management. Its next expert (face-to-face) meeting will be in early December in Nairobi. It works through two Task Steams. Task Stream 1 looks at disaggregation  by geographical location and aggregation of geocoded unit level data and Task Stream 2  addresses ‘production ready’ satellite earth observation data availability and application for the production of indicators. 

For further information, see: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/files/meetings/iaeg-sdgs-meeting-08/3b_Geospatial%20information_Sweden_8th%20IAEG-SDGs%20WGGI%20Report%20(Stockholm).pdf

(c)       Interlinkages Working Group 

Cara Williams of Canada reported that the membership of the Interlinkages Working Group had been increased from 11 to 19, adding three from academia, three from international and regional organizations and two from civil society. It is co-chaired by China and Canada. 

The Group held internal and  open global consultations and drafted a report on the interlinkages including early work undertaken by the interlinkages workstream; results of the global and internal consultation; incorporated examples and best practices of countries and organizations who have examined interlinkages; and started to examine integrated analysis of the economic, social and environmental developments to support policy.

Its next steps are to finalise the report as a background document to the IAEG-SDG report for the 50thsession of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC); prepare a second report for the 51stsession which will examine the interlinkages between policy, legislation and further examination of integrated analysis. 

For further information, see: https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/files/meetings/iaeg-sdgs-meeting-08/3.3%20Interlinkages%20Working%20Group%20Update.pdf

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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