HLPF CM – 31 January 2017
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at 10:43AM
Richard in ECOSOC, HLPF

 A meeting of the HLPF Co-ordinating Mechanism (CM) was held on Tuesday 31 January 2017. Below are notes on the issues that were discussed including the proposed Expert Group Meeting of Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS), the ECOSOC President’s Retreat and the up-coming meeting with him. A matter of concern are issues related to CSO participation in the HLPF and also on invitations to informal meetings such as the Retreat.

1 Selection of co-chair for SG (Vladimir Cuk)

Emilia Reyes of WMG is the new Member Group co-chair of the HLPF CM.

2 Updates on upcoming meeting with ECOSOC President and preparations for an Expert Group Meeting of MGoS (DSD)

The meeting with the President of ECOSOC will be held on February 14 on the  27th Floor UN Building. It will also be available via webex for those not in NY.

A Task Group has been working on the proposed agenda, background note and possible question, which they expect to circulate shortly, as the group will complete their work by Wednesday, Feb 2. There will be an opportunity for comments from HLPF CM. The structure should address how to make VNR meaningful. It will not be about the thematic discussions or specific advocacy asks. There will be a short time to review and to respond with concrete recommendations.

DESA will circulate sign up sheet so President of ECOSOC knows who is participating (but it will still be possible for members of the HLPF CM to participate at the last minute).

Expert Group Meeting of Major Groups and other Stakeholders

DSD / DESA has approximately US$50,000 to organize an Expert Group Meeting: 

3 Update on HLPF (DSD) 

A comprehensive update was given during the call two weeks ago and Lotta shared her talking points, so there was not much more to update now. She is still waiting to hear from Department for General Assembly Affairs and Conference Meetings to get the deadline for submission of sectoral thematic position papers and the word count. 

As was pointed out by Emilia, CSOs wants to discuss the format for CSO participation; there will be a timeline to discuss this among HLPF CM. Lotta suggested that as group the HLPF CM gives some recommendations during the meeting with the ECOSOC President. A  section on this can be included in the google doc for recommendations for this meeting.

4 Report from the ECOSOC President's retreat held on 20-21 January (Jeff Huffines)

Jeff gave a preliminary report with topline messages from each session and key take-aways for Major Groups and other Stakeholders. He is writing up a report for distribution at the end of the week. He will work with co-chairs to develop process for feedback and how to respond from MGoS.

Jeff focused his comments on Sessions 1 and 2 (FfD can be another day)

Emilia & Orsolya asked as to whether we had no choice in who went to ECOSOC President’s retreat and whether it should be an issue in letter to him now, or whether it should be raised at the meeting. Lotta shared the draft letter this morning by Orsolya/Vladimir with this concern which was expressed in the Steering Group.

Lotta said that all invitations were sent out by DESA. The challenge was the vast agenda of the meeting (HLPF, ECOSOC, FfD with their own stakeholder coordination mechanisms).

Comments on these kinds of retreats were made by various participants around  whether a direct letter should be send before meeting, recognizing the informality but also the need to strongly request that when they want a few people there to allow us to self-organize. (It is also more effective for them to have informed and substantive contribution.) Inputs can be collected for the meeting with the ECOSOC President A letter could be presented there although the preference might be to include it in the document. There are issues of courtesty and protocol. Ideas can be included in the google doc.  

5 Other issues (to be addressed in next meetings)

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (http://ngosbeyond2014.org/).
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