INVITATION - UNGA72 Third Committee Side Event: Presentation of the Youth Progress Index - Weds 18 October, 13:15
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 2:12PM
Richard in Young People

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For those of you who are based in New York, you are cordially invited to attend the Third Committee Side Event, Presentation of the Youth Progress Index: Towards measuring young people’s progress globally. The event will be held on Wednesday 18 October at 13:15 in Conference Room 7.

The future of our societies as a whole and the success of global attempts to reach the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are dependent on the progress and future of young people; yet, in many countries worldwide, young people are not as integrated into their society, political system and economy as they should be. Looking into aspects of young people’s lives, such as access to education, healthcare, housing or quality jobs, and the opportunity to influence decision-making, provides a more comprehensive picture of progress in a given country or community than using only measures of economic progress like GDP. The Youth Progress Index aims to provide grounds for evidence-based policy-making to improve the lives of young people worldwide and give them their rightful place in society. Join us on Wednesday 18 October to find out more and discuss.

Please see the attached flyer and concept note for information about the event. Please RSVP to to confirm your participation.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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