As can be seen below in the letter from DESA, the Co-facilitators have circulated a revised final draft of the resolution on follow-up and review. ‘Informal informal’ consultations will begin this afternoon at 1 pm. While the Co-facilitators wish to complete the negotiations today, a number of areas of contention remain and so a long and protracted session is anticipated, possibly going into next week.
Please note that the text now includes the co-facilitators’ alternative proposals for the themes and sets of goals. The language on “innovative arrangements” as far as Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) are concerned has been removed, but paragraph 12 still includes the reference to “web-based interfaces” as well as “additional means of supporting the effective, broad and balanced participation by region and by type of organization in accordance with the modalities on the participation of stakeholders in resolution 67/290”. It also reiterates the call to MGoS to report on their contribution to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda”.
Also included among the remaining contentious areas are:
The letter from DESA follows:
Subject: 2030 SD agenda: final draft on follow-up and review at the global level
Dear All,
Please find attached, for your information as well please, a revised final draft of the resolution by the co-facilitators Belize and Denmark on follow-up and review of the 2030 sustainable development agenda at the global level. The co-facilitators will convene final informal informal consultations tomorrow, Friday, 3 June, at 1 p.m. in conference room 12.
Kind regards