Reminder: Upcoming deadlines for applying to UNCTAD 14 Conference (20 April: Youth Forum, 30 April: special accreditation)
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 9:06PM
Richard in 2030 Agenda

We have received the following from UN-NGLS

The UNCTAD 14 Conference will provide a timely opportunity to assess the changes in economic policy needed at all levels

How to participate in the UNCTAD 14 Conference, parallel events, and preparatory hearings

I. About the UNCTAD 14 Conference

The 14th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14), to be held 17-22 July 2016 in Nairobi, Kenya, will provide a timely opportunity for the global community to assess the changes in economic policy needed at all levels to deliver on the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda - and other key global commitments made in 2015. Under the overall theme "From decision to action," UNCTAD 14 will take stock of the current state of the global economy, corrective measures needed to meet the new global commitments, and the role ofUNCTAD in delivering on these efforts.

The subthemes of the Conference include issues related to multilateralism, inclusive sustainable economies, structural transformation, and effective implementation and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits - as they relate to UNCTAD mandate (on the integrated treatment of trade, investment, finance, technology and sustainable development). 

II. Preparatory hearings in Geneva on 6 April and 26 May

As part of the deliberations of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for UNCTAD 14, Member States have decided to hold two preparatory hearings with civil society and the private sector. The first one took place on 6April and the second one is scheduled on 26 May 2016 from 10:00am-1:00pm in Room XXVI of the Palais des Nations, Geneva. Participants will be able to comment on the zero draft of the Conference outcome document prepared by the Chair of the UNCTAD 14 PrepCom, Ambassador Alberto Pedro D'Alotto of Argentina. The zero draft is available in all six UN languages here: See Section IV below to register for the hearings.

III. Parallel Events in Nairobi in July

In parallel to the UNCTAD 14 Conference in Nairobi, four events will take place on various dates: a Civil Society Forum (14-21 July), Global Commodities Forum (15-16 July), World Investment Forum (18-21 July), and Youth Forum (19-21 July).

An application process for attending the Youth Forum is open now, with a deadline of 20 April:

IV. How to participate in UNCTAD 14 Conference, preparatory hearings & parallel events

Civil society representatives wishing to take part in the preparatory hearings, the Civil Society Forum and the Conference round tables and debates are required to follow the steps outlined in the civil society section on this web page:

The deadline to apply for accreditation to the Conference is 30 April 2016. 

Each participant that is approved for registration to the Conference itself will be issued a badge that will give access to all public meetings, including the parallel events.

The programme for the Conference and parallel events is available here:

For more information on UNCTAD 14 and its preparatory process please visit the conference website.

Updates on information about civil society participation will be posted on the UN-NGLS web site here:

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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