Civil society: Propose questions for UN General Assembly dialogues with UN Secretary-General candidates
Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 5:21PM
Richard in UNSG

We have received the following from UN-NGLS:

"Equal parts diplomat and advocate, civil servant and CEO, the Secretary-General is a symbol of United Nations ideals and a spokesperson for the interests of the world's peoples."

In 2016, the UN will appoint a new Secretary-General.

The position of Secretary-General is one of great importance that requires the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, and a firm commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter...

The President of the UN General Assembly and the President of the UN Security Council have invited UN Member States to present candidates with proven leadership and managerial abilities, extensive experience in international relations, and strong diplomatic, communication and multilingual skills.

In 2016, the next one will be appointed...

The current list of official candidates can be found on the President of the UN General Assembly's website.

The General Assembly will, "without prejudice to the role of the principle organs as enshrined in Article 97 of the Charter, conduct informal dialogues or meetings with candidates for the position of Secretary-General, without any prejudice to any candidate who does not participate, thus contributing to the transparency and inclusivity of the process." 

The President of the General Assembly (PGA) is organizing informal dialogues between UN Member States and candidates for Secretary-General starting in April 2016.

The Office of the PGA has requested UN-NGLS to facilitate a process with civil society to provide questions that can be asked to candidates during these dialogues.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS IN WRITING, VIDEO OR AUDIO 26 FEBRUARY to 20 MARCH via Twitter (#UNSGcandidates), Instagram, or online form at

You may also reply to this email with your proposed question! 

UN-NGLS will facilitate a civil society Committee to short-list 30 questions from those received, to submit to the PGA. 

Apply HERE by 15 March to participate in the Committee

The Office of the PGA will choose some of the short-listed questions to be presented in person, shared via video or audio recordings, or verbally read-out by the President during the dialogues

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Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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