Report of the IAEG-SDGs for 48th Session of Statistical Commission
Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 4:49PM
Richard in 2030 Agenda, Indicators

The Report of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), E/CN.3/2017/2, is now available on the UN Statistical Commission website. It gives an overview of the “global indicator framework for the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” presenting a proposal “for refinements of a selected group of indicators, a proposed schedule for revisions of the indicator framework and a mechanism for moving indicators from one tier to another.” There will also be a background document on the work plans for indicators classified as Tier III by the IAEG-SDGs.

The Statistical Commission is invited to comment on progress made by the IAEG and the direction of its future work and as set out in para 33, to express its views and adopt:

(a)       The revised global indicator framework for the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including some refinements;

(b)      Proposed plans and schedule for reviews of the indicator framework, including the proposed plan for addressing the possible additional indicators;

(c)       Proposed mechanism for re-classifying the tier of indicators;

(d)      The revised terms of reference for the IAEG-SDGs; and

(e)       The proposed work programme of the IAEG-SDGs for the next year.”

I          Introduction

The introduction refers to the mandate from the General Assembly for IAEG-SDGs to develop the global indicator framework and agreed by the Statistical Commission. (para 1). The Commission, moreover, recognised that developing a “robust and high-quality indicator framework is a technical process that will need to continue over time…” and that the IAEG-SDGs should provide its proposals and plans for reviews to the 48th Statistical Commission. (para 2) The ECOSOC in June 2016 had taken note of the 47th Session report, including the global indicator framework. This report describes the subsequent work. (paras 3-4)

II         Work undertaken by the IAEG-SDGs

At its third meeting in March 2016, the IAEG-SDGs focused on the indicators ‘tier system’; the global the global reporting mechanism; the establishment of procedures for the methodological review of Tier III indicators; and the creation of three working groups on: Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), Geospatial information and Interlinkages, and one work stream on data disaggregation. The main focus of the fourth meeting in November 2016, was the review of possible refinements to 10 indicators. The IAEG-SDGs also discussed the updated tier system and mechanism for reclassification of indicator tiers; future reviews and refinements of the indicator framework; a proposed mechanism for reviewing work plans for Tier III indicators; a proposed timeline for the review of additional indicators; global data reporting mechanisms; and issues related to data disaggregation. Finally, it considered its terms of reference and a proposal for a rotating mechanism for its membership and chairmanship, with the first rotation taking place in May 2017. (paras 6-7)

Working group on Interlinkages – The report notes that this working group consists of 12 country members, and is co-chaired by Canada and China and “has decided to initiate a process to invite additional members from international and regional organizations, civil society, academia and the private sector.” It sees its remit as identifying possible interlinkages within the global indicator framework, examining examples of uses of interlinkages in other existing indicator frameworks, and focusing on identifying other interlinkages, especially in the social sphere, that can support integrated analysis in SDG monitoring. (para 9)

Sub-group on data disaggregation -- Insofar as all the members of the IAEG-SDGs wished to be part of this subgroup, it was decided to take this work up within the Group itself. It will develop a more detailed work plan on data disaggregation. Its activities will include “reviewing each type of disaggregation (sex, age, location, income, etc.), and working on the harmonization of the categories for data disaggregation across the indicator framework. All indicators will be reviewed based on the harmonized data disaggregation categories.” (para 10-11)

III        Indicator refinements and a plan for future reviews on the indicator framework

A         The revised global indicator framework 

The IAEG-SDGs examined indicators mentioned during the Commission as needing refinement as well as other indicators identified by members of the group through rounds of internal consultations. It then agreed on a general framework for refinement for 10 possible indicators in 2017, the main criteria being “whether an indicator directly measures progress towards the target; whether an indicator is clear and measurable; and whether, when considering other indicators in the framework for monitoring a particular target, progress towards all aspects of a target are being monitored.”

Over 200 observers, including countries, international and regional agencies, civil society, academia, and the private sector responded to a consultation, with a compilation and summary of these inputs being made available on the IAEG website before its fourth meeting. The proposed refinements were presented and discussed at the fourth meeting of the IAEG-SDGs, with account being taken of the many suggestions and comments received both during the meeting and in the previous consultations and reached agreement on a proposed set of refinements. (para 12-13)

The proposal for indicator 3.8.2 under target 3.8 on universal coverage, including financial risk protection has been refined as:

3.8.2    “Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share of total household expenditure or income” (p16)

The proposal for indicator 3.b.1 under target on support for research and development of vaccines and medicines for communicable diseases, was refined as two separate indicators to read:

3.b.1    “Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines in their national programme”

3.b.3    “Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis”

3.b.2 is “total net official development assistance in their national programme” (p.17)

The indicator 5.6.2 under target 5.6 has also been refined:

5.6.2    “Number of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee full and equal access to women and men aged 15 years and older to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education. “ (p19)

Note: The refined indicator does not include the addition of ‘disaggregated by sex’ or ‘by sex’ as was considered during the discussions in the IAEG-SDGs (See: IAEG-SDGs: results of discussions on key concerns to health and SRHR advocates) We are seeking clarification on this and will post further information in due course.

An open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction established by the General Assembly (resolution 69/284) has also developed a set of indicators to measure global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework.  Several indicators in the global indicator framework have subsequently been modified to reflect the agreements on the Sendai Framework indicators. (para 14)

B         A work plan for examining a list of possible additional indicators

Members of the IAEG-SDGs have identified 33 targets where the current indicator does not cover all aspects of the targets and a possible additional 37 indicators could be considered. The following targets are included: SDG 3.4; SDG 3.5; SDG 3.6; SDG 3.9; SDG 3.b; SDG 3.c. No additional indicators are required for Goal 5.(see Annex V, pp42-43) A list of proposed additional indicators will be presented at the 49th Session of the Statistical Commission in March 2018.

C          A proposed plan for future reviews of the indicator framework


The IAEG-SDGs has developed a plan for future refinements and reviews that will include “possible annual minor refinements” and address:

a)    Specifying or correcting a unit of measurement

b)   Clarification of terms used in the indicator

c)    Spelling or other editorial changes

d)   Any other minor issues that do not substantively change the indicator meaning

“Two comprehensive reviews of the indicator framework” in 2020 and 2025 with additions, deletions, refinements or adjustments based on:      

a)    Indicator does not map well to the target

b)   Additional indicator(s) is needed to cover all aspects of the target

c)    New data sources are available

d)   Methodological development of Tier III indicator has stalled or has not produced expected results

e)    Indicator is not measuring progress towards meeting the target

A timeline has been developed for the comprehensive reviews with the review process being launched 12 months before the submission of the proposals to the Statistical Commission, ie autumns of 2018 and 2023 respectively. Open consultations will be held once the indicators are identified. (paras 17-20)

IV        Implementation of the global indicator framework

A         Establishment of a tier system for the indicators

All indicators in the global indicator framework are equally important and are categorized in three tiers:

(a) Tier I: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available and data regularly produced by countries

(b) Tier II: Indicator conceptually clear, established methodology and standards available but data are not regularly produced by countries

(c) Tier III: Indicator for which there is no established methodology and standards or methodology/standards are being developed/tested. (Countries will not be required to provide data until the methodology and data collection system are defined. 35 percent are in this tier and at the fifth meeting there will be a first review)

In future years, tier-reclassification will take place at the autumn meetings.

Possible custodian agencies and other partner agencies were also identified for each indicator. Custodian agencies will be responsible for collecting data from countries through existing mandates and reporting mechanisms; compiling internationally comparable data in the different statistical domains; supporting increased adoption and compliance with internationally agreed standards, and strengthening national statistical capacity. Other responsibilities are also specified. The IAEG-SDGs invites all involved agencies to collaborate on the development of the indicators. (paras 21-25)

B         Work plans for development of Tier III indicators

A background document will be submitted to the Commission including a compilation of work plans for the development of internationally agreed definitions, standards and methodology for Tier III indicators. Indicators may be refined or removed during the comprehensive reviews in 2020 or 2030. (para 26)

C          Global reporting mechanism for the review of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals

The first Secretary General’s Report Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals was released in June 2016 and annual progress reports will inform future meetings of the high-level political forum. The IAEG-SDGs recognizes the central role of national statistical systems by collecting and providing data and metadata for global reporting. International statistical systems compile data from the national statistical systems and provide international comparability. Regional organizations may facilitate transmission of data and metadata from the national to the global level. It is the responsibility of the Statistics Division to compile “in a database the internationally comparable country data and respective metadata on each of the indicators…” Various recommendations have been made by the IAEG for improving coordination. (paras 27-31)

V         Work Programme of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators

Between March 2017 and March 2018 the IAEG-SDGs should:

a)    Establish procedures for the review of work plans for Tier III indicators and finalise a mechanism for moving indicators form one tier to another

b)   Start the process of reviewing possible additional indicators and submit a proposal of additional indicators for consideration at the 49th session of the Statistical Commission

c)    Review the data availability for tier I and tier II indicators and develop a plan for increasing the data coverage of tier II indicators with the joint working group of the IAEG-SDGs and the HLG-PCCB

d)   Develop further guidance on the issue of data disaggregation

e)    Continue the work of the three working groups on SDMX, Geo-spatial information and Interlinkages

f)     Hold two meetings, the first in March 2017 and the second in the fall of 2017, at dates to be determined, and also continue to interact electronically and via teleconferences, as needed (para 32)

Annexes to report:

Annex I          Terms of reference for the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators p9

Annex II         List of members of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators as of 1 March 2017 p11

Annex III        Revised list of Global Sustainable Development Goal indicators p13

Annex IV        Refinements, Modifications reflecting agreed Sendai Framework Indicators, and Editorial Changes to the Sustainable Development Goal indicators p37

Annex V         Possible additional indicators for inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goal indicators p42

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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