Videos of stakeholder speakers at UNHQ from post-2015, FfD, and more!
Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:24AM
Richard in Negotiating sessions

We have received the following from UN-NGLS:

Dear Colleagues,

As UN-NGLS  begins exciting work for 2016, we would like to extend our gratitude to all in civil society and the UN system for the extraordinary experiences working together last year during the processes and events for the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Financing for Development Conference, World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Energy for All Forum, and more... 

We are pleased to provide a look back at these historic efforts via our  YouTube channel. It presents individual videos of each stakeholder selected to speak last year at UN Headquarters through an open and participatory process either led or co-led by UN-NGLS - more than 260 different people from more than 70 countries! There are separate clips of the full remarks delivered by each representative of civil society and the Major Groups from the following events and sessions:

Each video has a description of the event and our partners in the process, as well as links to programmes, concept notes and written versions of the statements as available. 

The most watched video of the year was the speech by Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, 15 year-old indigenous environmental activist and Youth Director of Earth Guardians, from the Opening Ceremony of the President of the General Assembly's High-level Event on Climate Change, with more than 917,000 views!

We thank all again for the tremendous efforts to enable meaningful, values-driven engagement between civil society and the UN, and look forward to our continued cooperation in 2016.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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