The annex to the Report of the Secretary-General on critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level sets out the components that could help countries to frame the preparations for their Voluntary National Reviews at the High-level Political Forum (HLPF), based on the expectation that each country will present a focused report and make brief presentations during the meeting of the HLPF. The main points are summarized below. For complete annex see Report of the Secretary-General on critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level.
1 Opening statement will be given by a “Head of State or Government, a Minister or other high-ranking Government official” and will highlight key messages and critical issues on the implementation of sustainable development.
2 Summary – one-to-two page synthesis of progress and findings , highlighting two or three good practices, two or three lessons learned and two or three challenges on which it would like to hear about other countries’ good practices and two or three areas on which it would need support eg finance, capacity-building, technology, partnerships
3 Introduction could include the context and objectives of the review; key features of the country context in line with the 2030 Agenda; discussion of national priorities and targets for sustainable development and a discussion of critical challenges
4 Methodology and process for preparation of the review could discuss the methodology that was used, including the levels and sectors of Government that contributed, and whether / how parliament, national evaluation/ oversight institutions, stakeholders from civil society, academia and the business sector were involved; which consultations were held; whether any other Member State contributed; and how existing platforms and processes were built on (in line with para 74(f) of the 2030 Agenda).
5 Policy and enabling environment
(a) Creating ownership of the SDGs – efforts to inform and involve stakeholders on the SDGs and targets, including civil society and the public, could be outlined. It could also show hoe the SDGs will be kept under review at the national level and the dissemination of reviews and findings.
(b) Incorporation of the SDGs in national frameworks could show what initiatives have been taken to adapt the SDGs and targets to national circumstances and to advance their implementation. It could also include efforts to integrate the SDGs into legislations, policies etc and the challenges in implementing the SDGs as a whole.
(c) Integration of the three dimensions –this could be discussed, including how sustainable development policies are being designed to reflect the integration of the economic, social and environmental dimensions and how other principles eg leave no one behind, have been mainstreamed.
(d) Goals and targets – brief information should be given on the progress and status of all the SDGs, making reference as appropriate to data as provided in the statistical annex (see section 8 below). More in-depth information could be given on a few selected SDGs and targets, eg on trends, successes, challenges, emerging issues, lessons learned and actions to address existing gaps and challenges. Reference could also be made to complementary national and regional indicators
(e) Thematic analysis: this should relate to the HLPF thematic focus for the year.
(f) Institutional mechanisms: this could provide information as to how the country has adapted its institutional framework to implement the 2030 Agenda, including how the views of others, such as non-governmental stakeholders have been taken into account; efforts to mobilize institutions around the SDGs; and how the country will review progress in their implementation.
6 Means of implementation including discussion as to how means of implementation are mobilized, difficulties the process faces and additional resources needed including financial and capacity development needs.
7 Next steps to be taken or planned to enhance implementation.
8 Statistical annex with data using the global SDG indicators to be proposed by the Statistical Commission and including regional and national level priority indicators
9 Conclusion including a summary of the analysis, findings and policy implications, as well as new and emerging issues and lessons learned.
10 Link to more in-depth national reports and reviews through dedicated UN Secretariat website