An invitation to get involved...
Thursday, January 21, 2016 at 10:13AM

CAN International, CIVICUS, GCAP, IFP invited CSOs to get Involved: Global Civil Society Platform on Sustainable Development:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Hope you are having a good start to 2016! The New Year ushers in the implementation phase of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate commitments.

Many of us worked hard to organise and mobilise around the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement but in many ways the hard work starts now. Civil society needs to be ready to play our part – as pioneers, as advocates, as implementers, as campaigners, as watchdogs – over the coming years to ensure the promises made in 2015 are achieved.

Over the past year we have engaged in a series of meetings on how civil society should organise and mobilise around the sustainable development agenda over the coming years. Thanks to the work of many, especially members of a Transitional Steering Group, the building blocks of a strong and inclusive global platform <>  have been established to support and connect civil society's activities on sustainable development at all levels (local, national, regional and global). The platform will enable and mobilise people to understand, engage, learn from each other and challenge decision-makers to be accountable for their sustainable development commitments. The core activities of the global platform include:

This platform is open to all members of civil society and is currently being facilitated by four global networks – CAN International, CIVICUS , GCAP, and IFP, over the coming months. You can read our Action Plan and engage with us on this specific timetable of activities.

To get involved in this platform we encourage you to join the online discussion or if you have an interest in shaping the core direction of the platform, sign up for one of the working groups. These working groups are open to everyone and will be used to make inclusive decisions about the development of the platform. The groups are as follows:

We look forward to working with you in the weeks and months ahead,

CAN International, CIVICUS, GCAP, IFP 

For any enquiries, please email

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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