SDGs and the right to health
Monday, September 7, 2015 at 10:37AM
Richard in 2030 Agenda

The Health and Human Rights Journal is running a blog series on SDGs and the right to health.

Paul Hunt, the first Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, has written an essay in which he stresses that accountability for the SDGs must be more rigorous than it was for the MDGs. He calls for an independent, formal accountability mechanism: SDGs and the Importance of Formal Independent Review: An Opportunity for Health to Lead the Way

The first blog in the series is by Prof Audrey Chapman, critiquing the UHC target, and suggesting pitfalls if a rights-based approach is not used to implement UHC activities: 

Evaluating Universal Health Coverage as a Sustainable Development Goal

New blogs will be posted daily this month until the UN Summit on 25 Sept. Please contact HHR if you wish to submit one.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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