Summit 3: Plenary to transmit Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to the Summit, 1 September 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 5:13AM
Richard in Negotiating sessions, Summit

The President of the General Assembly has written to announce that a plenary meeting of the General Assembly will be held on 1 September at 10.00 to take action on a draft resolution to transmit the outcome document Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) for adoption during the Summit. 

It is probable that some groups or member states will give explanations of their vote, or may make reservations. As the intergovernmental negotiations were informal there are no official records and the Secretary read out, at the request of Ambassador Macharia Kamau, Co-facilitator during the final session, the process for making reservations. They can also be made in writing. It is important to note that they will not be attached to the 2030 Agenda itself. 

Explanation by Secretary during final session of intergovernmental negotiations

(a) Adoption of outcome document

“With regard to the adoption of the outcome document of post-2015 development agenda, and following the practice in relation to adoption of the Millennium Declaration in 2000 and World Summit Outcome in 2005, a 2-stage approval would be anticipated in the General Assembly. As the first step, upon the proposal of the President of the General Assembly, the current 69th session of the General Assembly shall first decide to refer the agreed post-2015 outcome document to the September Summit for its consideration. The second and final step would be the adoption of the outcome document at the Summit itself.

“There would therefore two formal meetings of the Assembly at which the outcome document would be considered -- at the 69th session and one at the 70th.”

(b) Explanation of vote and reservations 

“With regard to the explanation of the vote, in accordance with Rule 88 of Rules of Procedure, each member state has the right to explain its vote or position either before or after the adoption of the draft proposal.

“Given that this preliminary meeting is convened as part of the informal process on the negotiation of the post-2015 development agenda, for which no official records exist, the reservations at this stage shall not therefore form as part of the official records of the Assembly.

“If delegations are willing to do so, they would be encouraged to express any reservations, or explanations of position, before or after the adoption of the document at the GA meeting of the 69th session, at which the draft outcome document will be referred to the Summit of the 70th session, or at the adoption during the Summit itself. Any reservations expressed during that stage shall be on record as verbatim record of the General Assembly meeting.  

“Another way in which Member States could place their reservations on record, could be through the circulation of a letter stating their position only as an official document of the General Assembly, under the same agenda item.

It is, however, not the general practice to attach reservation papers as annex to the GA resolution.

Article originally appeared on NGOs Beyond 2014 (
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